me in a nutshell
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
I was bored a few minutes ago so I took an online Carl Jung and Isabel Myers-Briggs typological approach . The result:
You are:
- very expressed introvert
- moderately expressed intuitive personality
- very expressed thinking personality
- slightly expressed judging personality
There was an option to find the most 'compatible' careers, this is what I had:
- computer programming
- natural science
- engineering
- management
- entrepeneurship
- law
- librarian
How woefully uninteresting.
author: m@ » comments:
tie a tie
Monday, April 16, 2007
Today I put my most-often worn ties in a drawer. This is better than having the cat all over them.
author: m@ » comments:
Sunday, April 15, 2007
delivers flattering comments via her blog!
As for contradicting your blog title, it doesn't take a psychic to see that you're anything but apathetic.
Zut alors!
((Dare accepted, and completed!))
author: m@ » comments:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
This is my 400th blog post. It seems like the 300th was just yesterday. I have nothing special planned.
I'm waiting on pictures from Snow Patrol from Jennie, as soon as she gets her lazy ass around to uploading and emailing them.
I do, however, have this to share:
(the Apostle of Hustle show is with Memphis)
By the way, Do You Trust Your Friends is a killer album!
author: m@ » comments:
do you trust your friends?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The title of this post is the name of the new 'Stars' album, which is really a reimagining of their stellar record Set Yourself on Fire, with songs done by other great band friends of theirs. Its release date is May 22nd, but I learned today it's been leaded and is out in the interweb tubes. This is by no means a suggestion that you fans should download it, but if you do be sure to buy it after its release! Stars is one band I don't mind at all giving my money to.
Unlike Snow Patrol, Stars didn't charge $15 for their bag of buttons. What a rip off! Oh, the Snow Patrol show was pretty good. I'm sort of over them as a band, but I still thorougly enjoyed the show.
This is important, head over to this site and sign the petition. It's about net neutrality which is a key to keeping the internet as open a forum as it currently is.
author: m@ » comments:
spring is concert season
Monday, April 02, 2007
April 7th - Snow Patrol
April 28th - Weakerthans
May 15th - Memphis
May 23rd - Feist
It's going to be a great few months. Thanks a LOT to Laura for cluing me in on the Memphis show!
In other news, I think I'm going to get my passport. That will remove one excuse from travelling outside of Canada. Though the other and more relevent excuse is being poor. I have two weeks off at the end of May, so we'll see.
In other news, I'll yet again be a student, this time at the U of M's summer session, in a course called Ethics and the Environment. Yay for courses that count towards my philosophy minor.
That's about all I have to share for now, and for that I apologise.
author: m@ » comments: