Wednesday, August 04, 2004
So I got home from work today to find Jennie home. As I type this, she's still on the phone fighting with Todd. So here again is another example of her saying that she's going to do something, and not following through. I must say, I'm not terribly surprised at this turn of events. A bit dissapointed yes. I was looking forward to time spent lounging in my boxers playing Tales of Symphonia. Alas, that shall not come to pass this week.
God damn it. Good thing I didn't have some hot sex action planned for the next few days, as Jennie's once again decided to stay home instead. But, I'm used to it.
That's life. Well, part of this life anyways.
do women ever do what they say they will?
*points and laughs*
Though I loathe to say, he's right Kathryn.
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