Sunday, August 27, 2006
So it's Sunday. I suppose I could follow suit with some other bloggers and do a 'random sunday' post. Let's see how that works.
- This weekend I didn't do much of anything. Today however I was out doing some gardening, ripping up the tiger lily plants that I discovered were planted in the flower bed at the back of my house. It's something else to dig up all the bulbs and shit that they send forth under the soil. I found out that there are lots of worms in the dirt there. I plan on replacing them with some herbs next spring.
- So another long weekend is coming up, thank god. Every weekend should be a long weekend.
- I spent Friday after work making 300 social tickets for my roommate's wedding this fall. They're printed on business cards, and I think they turned out pretty nice. Simple, but not plain. If you don't know what I'm talking about you're probably not Manitoban, in which case click the link in this bullet point to be educated.
- Someone in the neighbourhood is playing a radio station REALLY loud right now.
- This is the last week of August, that is insane. My favourite time of year is Autumn.
- I've enrolled in one course at U of M this fall, unfortunately it was the only one that fit with my schedule and prereqs. It's a Norse Mythology course, which I think should be interesting.
-Around lunch time I was standing in line at Subway to get a sub, and the guy before me ordered his sub. He ordered that new chicken florentine sub, and when asked what kind of bred he wanted, he answered 'siabata, or whatever'. Then the sandwich 'artist' took out a piece of bread and he asked her to show it to him. He then said he didn't want it, and proceeded to order the parmesan oregano 'parmesan (s like 'sauce') oreGANo'.
- I have to go do laundry and dishes now.
keep me up to speed with the norse stuff, sounds fascinating! (and yeah, hurrah for fall. if only it would linger into january...)
Fall is my favourite time of year too :) And dude, I need to trademark this Random Sundays thing, I'm starting a trend! LOL
Okay, in good old southwestern Ontario, we also have socials, but we call them by the more hickish name "Buck 'n Does". A good way to make money at these is to let minors sneak in and buy alcohol. My high school days were spent going to B 'n D's for ppl I totally did not know.
LOL at your story about Mr. Culinary Afficiando at subway.
Boo to laundry and dishes.
Matt, even though you said you didn't do too much this week, it still seems like you've done more than what I did.
Take care :)
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