love is just a laundry line we're hanging on to
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
This is going to be a pretty random post.
For New Years I just had some friends over for drinks, food, and Wii. There was much drinking, playing of Mario Kart, and Wii Sports. I'm happy to confirm there were no Wii-related injuries.
He Poos Clouds by Final Fantasy reminds me of something from Sweeney Todd. (Discovered while searching for a link for Sweeney Todd a movie version by TIM BURTON!!! Holy eff I'm exctited for that!).
Sunday Winnipeg woke up to about 30cm of snow. What that means in practical figures, is a layer of snow about 1 foot thick all over everything. Also represented by the hour and a half it took me to shovel my sidewalks.Witness the snow, though that picture doesn't really do the amount of snow justice.
While Christmas shopping at Toys R Us, I happened across Viking Lego. I freaked out because it was Lego based on the Viking myths I'd just finished studying in my Old Norse Mythology class. Everyone was there, Nidhogg, the Midgard Serpent, the Fenris wolf, but sadly no named Viking people/gods. I picked up the Fenris wolf lego, it being the cheapest.
Et voila. Click to make 'em bigger.
The last thing I want to post is this video from youtube. Take a second and watch it, I bet it'll make you feel all warm inside.
he poos clouds kicks ass
Your New Years sounded way better than what mine was. I spent the night sitting on the couch, sick, eating mint chocolates and flipping through the TV stations trying to find an American channel to watch the ball drop in New York.
I was planning to have a party, somewhat like yours, with food, gaming and probably movies, but I ended up going to Ottawa instead and spending the New Year with family. I think that I might have a belated New Years Eve party, you're welcome to come :P
Ottawa didn't get any snow, which was odd because usually it's always really cold up there. It snowed the day after Christmas though, and yes Matt, the Canal wasn't even frozen :(
I always used to play with Lego as a kid, it's awesome.
And I read your last post, Happy Three years! Also, you know I'll make you a new template anytime, you just have to tell me what you want :)
Take care and I hope you had a great Christmas holiday.
PS. Sorry for making this comment extremely long.
Also, I got your e-mail. Best wishes to you as well :)
Cool! Random indeed! I'm glad your New Years Eve was swell. I really like that dancing guy. How crazy. And the viking lego is dope too.
I am also extremely psyched for the Tim Burton Sweeny Todd movie...
Glad to hear that you didn't experience any Wii related injuries. Did you get the replacement wrist strap or whatever?
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