Wednesday, September 13, 2006
So Lukas just won the latest season of Rockstar. 2 Seasons and 2 winners from Canada, that's pretty damn good, I think. Granted, who's heard anything lately from INXS? Not me...
I occurs that I should have done a 'live-blogging' cover of the show, but too late now.
awww now he's brought Magni out to play gee-tar.
I think they made the right choice, Dilana (while good) wasn't the right fit.
Once again I have to apologise for the delay in blogging, but really nothing has happened that warrants blogging. I'm thinking of quitting my job, but I have to stay there until Dec. so I can get my annual bonus.
Holy crap I want one of those new nanos! The only bad part is that the black only comes in 8GB size, and is the same price as a 30GB video ipod... the 4GB comes in the other colours, but NOT black...'s only 1/4 of an inch thick!!!
This laptop is hot on my lap, so I'm going to retire.
Yay for Lukas! Yay for Canada!
My dear friend Becca T pointed out that next season they might as well just hold auditions in Canada and not worry 'bout the rest of the world... ;)
Thinking of quitting your job, eh? Are you going to move into a new field?
Pretty nanos.
ps I feel like I never really got to say goodbye to Magni. :(
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