as clever as the invention of pillowcases
Monday, October 30, 2006
Well, I had to resort back to the old thermostat. I'm still not sure if it's the thermostat's fault or the fault of my old furnace unable to cope with it.
For all of Saturday night and most of Sunday I had no internet or tv. It had something to do with the changeover from my roommate's account to mine. I got a shiny new set-top box. I spent that whole time watching seasons 1 and 2 of Battlestar Galactica. That just may be one of the best television series' ever.
I like this new Firefox 2. The spell-check feature is really neat.
We got our first permanent snow today. It snowed all day and tonight is blowing with a windchill of -12. I forgot how much I hate walking in snow.
Oh no! Snow for the trick or treaters!
Battlestar Galactica. Hee hee. All I know of that show is that it is Dwight Schrute's fave... (You do watch the Office, right?)
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