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the one certainty of living is that you're going to die

Sunday, January 21, 2007

What does Matt do when he's feeling lonely?

- listens to Rilo Kiley
- listens to Hawksley Workman's Treeful of Starling album
- watches his favourite movie Lost in Translation

all these things enforce his feelings of loneliness.

Matt is the kind of person that, when feeling lonely, sad, depressed, etc, does not do things to rid himself of these feelings. He tends to do things which enhance them.

Matt's nose is cold.

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  1. Blogger Christielli | January 21, 2007 2:26 p.m. |  

    I am also guilty of doing things to enhance my sad feelings when I hit one of those moods. Typically this involves shutting myself in my apartment, not calling my friends, sleeping and wasting time reading Wikipedia.

    Weirdly enough though, I don't have go-to sad music...

    Hoping that you are feeling better today... If not, maybe sneak in some happy Hawksley (Bullets, We Will Still Need a Song, Your Beauty Must Be Rubbing Off) in with Treeful of Starling.

  2. Blogger jhg | January 21, 2007 6:00 p.m. |  

    Matt, don't be lonely! :(

    I honestly do the same thing, whenever I'm feeling horrible I tend to listen to really depressing music and watch really depressing movies. I don't at all try and make myself feel better. It's kind of weird that we do that to ourselves.

    But, you shouldn't feel lonely or depressed. And I'd seriously give you the biggest hug right now if I could, just to make you feel a little better :)

    Get happy Matt!

  3. Blogger T.R. | January 23, 2007 4:47 a.m. |  

    When I used to be unhappy I didn't realize how lucky I was until now that I'm in an overall content state of mind. What's my reasoning behind this you ask? Well, when you're unhappy it feels like time goes by at an unbarably slow pace. Therefore you live much longer absorbing much more than a normal person would. Time flies when you're having fun and crawls when you're miserable so be grateful for your wonderful gift.

  4. Blogger James | January 30, 2007 1:29 a.m. |  

    i'm about due for a laundary call anyway ;) p.s. wasn't i supposed to take you shopping and/or comp you for our show?

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