Sunday, July 09, 2006
So today was the final match of the 2006 World Cup. I followed it somewhat, and this game was a fairly good one. At least there was quite a bit of back-and-forth action, with only a few dives. Plus, there was a head-butt to the solarplexus (way to go Zidane!).
Well, I live quite close to a street called Corydon Ave., the heart of Little Italy in Winnipeg. As such, part of me was pulling for Italy, because I know there'd be one hell of a party.
And there was. Right after the final penalty I could hear horns honking and peole cheering from over there. I ended up meeting up with a friend there and we wandered around, after which I snapped some pictures with my camerafone. The whole street was blocked off, and there were hundreds of people milling about.
Sadly, only one of the pictures turned out at any decent size, since my camerafone apparently ran out of memory. It likes to take pictures of the inside of my pocket, which I don't notice until it says that it's full.Yes, that guy ran infront of me. That picture really doesn't do the volume of people there justice, off in the distance is where the party really starts, and it is packed full of people
LOL, you would have died at out Lil Italy celebrations here in Montreal. It was nutso! INSANITY! And boo to Zidane for the head-butt incident of '06.
The heatbutt incident was priceless. It definitely made for an interesting game.
Little Italy here went nuts. Plus, there was also a big Italian festival this weekend -- perfect timing.
I still can't believe that Zidane did that... it was just nuts.
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