Saturday, April 29, 2006
Last night was Jennie (my roommate)'s going away party. There were more people in my house than ever before, 2 or 3 of which I actually knew. Thankfully nothing got broken, or at least I haven't noticed anything broken yet.
The caveat to last night, was that I had to get up for 9am again for another round of garage roof repair. This time it was the application of shingles. We got finished at 5:30 this evening. My mom brought the dog, and was nice enough to make my dad an I some lunch. Witness the so-very-very-very-near complete results. The cap on the top requires 2 or 3 more shingles to finish it, so those will be done when time permits.The second picture I want to post is from a bulletin I recently saw in myspace. ISN'T THIS DOG SO FREAKING CUTE?!
Awww! That dog is soooo freakin' cute. Congrats on almost being done the shingles.
Never got to see the movie tonight. My friend had a work crisis so I ended up staying at home and playing 90s trivial pursuit. Still fun though.
Oh, that's sad to hear that your roommate is going away. I'm glad that nothing in your house got broken though.
The roof is starting to look quite good. Hopefully you will get everything done soon.
That is a very cute dog. Take care :)
Awwwwwwwwww cute dog! Or dawg if I was hipping to the hopping. Much like your house was at that party I'm assuming :)
Congrats on the finishing of the're a star! :)
The roof looks awesome!
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